Sunday, July 31, 2011

Angry Birds android game review

Angry Birds android casual game review



Angry birds is a new android game. Angry birds is one of the most popular games in the world and we cannot have an android game review site without reviewing angry birds. The story of Angry Birds a casual android game starts with the pigs stealing the bird's eggs and ofcourse the birds attacking the pigs to get back those eggs. The birds in Angry birds have special characteristics that they will need to destory the pig's fortresses.


Gameplay: 5/5 ★★★★★

Angry birds is one of the most addicting yet easy to pick up games you can play around. In angry birds you need to control a slingshot to shoot your birds into wood, wall, stone, glass of the pig's fortresses to kill them. While this is simple in theory, the birds have different strenghts on what kind of object they can destroy easier than other kinds of birds. While it may look like a game that is  just shoot until the fortress is destoryed, the birds are limited per level so you need careful planning on how to topple the pig's fortress.

Control: 5/5 ★★★★★

The control of angry birds a android casual game is easy enough. hold press then push back for power then aim. One of the easiest game to understand the controls but mastering the controls of angry birds is another thing.

Graphics: 5/5 ★★★★★

The graphics of angry birds did not change from every port that it did. The graphics is cartoony and cute making this game appealing to a whole genre of people.

Music: 5/5 ★★★★

The sound effects and background music of angry birds a new android game is making this game more challenging and fun. A sound effect I am fond of in angry birds is that if you have failed to kill all the pigs, the pigs will utter a taunt or a snicker that I find very amusing(I have this as my ringtone LOL).

Overall: 5/5 ★★★★

Angry Birds is one of the most known games in existence today. Its easy to pick up gaming while its quite challenging is what it makes this game great. The unique gameplay of trying to use a slightshot birds to a pig's fortress is a unique thing that you cannot see on some other games out there. If you haven't heard of this game before, and you are a gamer, either you are living under a rock or your not a gamer at all.

Where to get?
You can get this free android game in the android market. Link Here.

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